Relevante identifizierte Verwendungen des Stoffs oder Gemischs und Verwendungen, von denen abgeraten wird. Einzelheiten zum Lieferanten, der das Sicherheitsdatenblatt bereitstellt.
SikaHyflex – 2Facade. WeatHerProoFing Sealant. Hoogwaardige, overschilderbare, 1-component professionele weersbestendige afdichting voor beton, metselwerk en gevels voorzien van buitenisolatie.
High-performance over paintable 1-part professional weatherproofing sealant for concrete, masonry and EIFS facades. Hier gehts zu den Downloads. Bestel online bij Kitcentrum. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against.
Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet. Joint dimensions in building facades can be subject to significant changes due to thermal expansion and contraction.
Even average day and night temperatures can result in measureable changes to facade joints.
These movements by the concrete, masonry, glass or metal in a building façade. This new moisture-curing technology and the latest production methods allow the formulation of sealants with best properties.
High performance over paintable 1- part, moisture curing, low modulus, professional weatherproofing sealant for concrete, masonry and EIFS facades. HOCHLEISTUNGS- PROFIFUGENDICHTSTOFF FÜR FASSADEN. Fugendichtmasse mit niedrigem Elastizitätsmodul. Elastische Fugenabdichtung und Abdichtung von.
Joint dimensions and shapes, in facades are subejct to changes due to thermal expansion and contraction of the building units. The corresponding movements must be accommodated by the sealant in order to protect the inner parts of the building against environment influences. A fantastic joint sealant and adhesive, perfect when you are sealing and installing facades, both internally and externally.
Elastic sealant that polymerizes by the air humidity. It forms an elastic, sustainable mass and is ready for use. There is no CO² formation. Raab Karcher Baustoffhandel.
Masilla de sellado SIKA HYFLEX 2FAÇADE. Color blanco, en envases de 6ml.
Das Material ist umweltfreundlich und lösemittelfrei. Pro Karton liegen Tellerdüsen bei. Polyurethan für fast alle Hochbaufugen mit 25% Bewegungsaufnahme.