Englisch-Deutsch-Übersetzung für capping im Online-Wörterbuch dict. Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch von PONS Online: capping, charge- capping, knee- capping, rate- capping, capping process.
A usually soft and close-fitting head covering, either having no brim or with a visor. English dictionary definition of capping. A special head covering worn to indicate rank.
The Kremlin leader sees a fourth six-year term as the capping point on his legacy as a historical figure for Russia, the one who dragged the country from the ruins of the Soviet Union into modernity and prosperity.
I am very prodigall of cappings, namely in Summer, and I never receive any from what quality of men soever, but I give them as good and as many as they bring, except he be some servant of mine. Define capping (noun) and get synonyms.
HoneyComb capping is the capping cut from sealed honeycomb. When honeycomb is cappe honey is much more fragrant. This is because bees use a special substance containing the secret of wax and other glands of bees, propolis and pollen to seal honeycomb.
So comb capping is a whole bunch of bee products. The practice of selling large amounts of a commodity or security close to the options expiry date in order to prevent a rise in market price.
Illustrated in this section are a range of copings and cappings suitable for solid or cavity walls with associated stop ends and returns along with specials for improved visual choice. Processing beeswax cappings is a valuable beekeeping activity.
Beeswax is a treasure of the hive. Pure beeswax cappings can become value beeswax products. BECKY: WHO YOU HEAR THAT FROM! Der Begriff Frequency Capping beschreibt eine Methode der Display-Werbung.
Gabby: who you capping at. Durch den sogenannten Frequency Cap (dt. Deckelung der Frequenz) wird die Häufigkeit einer Werbeeinblendung für einen Nutzer reguliert.
Auf diese Weise lassen sich Werbeanzeigen zum einen effizienter einsetzen und zum anderen noch. Natural raw honeycomb cappings directly from our beehives.
The porphyry copper leached cappings can be loosely divided into either limonitic or oxide copper dominant (Figures –1). The limonitic species are more common and Fig.
B Supergene enrichment – polished sections. Advanced chalcocite development replacing pyrite. At this stage the profile would be referred.
The thin layer of new wax that bees build over the top of cured (or dried) honey is called capping wax. Although bees cap brood cells one at a time, they cap honey cells in groups. Once an area of comb is ready to cap, the bees may cover many square inches at once.
This different way of capping partially.